Trailer: I'm Perfectly Fine
Een kleurrijke animatieverfiliming van de graphic novel 'Burnout Dagboek' van Maaike Hartjes over burn-outs en perfect willen zijn.
this is Maya
successful freelance illustrator
“I listen to a little voice in my head
that's my number one supporter
“yay Maya
you can do it”
she helps me get things
with every stroke of her brush
she's getting closer to her perfect life
“I’m nominated for pictogram
That’s like the Oscars for illustration!”
wait a minute
shouldn't you finish OneCare first
“We Care”
let's get creative
yes sorry sorry
are you on your way yet
it's about to start
you have seven new messages
what's this?
it's not working right
just put the pen on the paper and start.
There you go
We are very confident you will need our expectations
How unprofessional, Maya…
If you fail, they will never ask you again
Do you want a burn-out?
What a beautiful morning
So many things you can do today!